Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sometimes you just need a good laugh....

RIP Dale

Many fans of The Walking Dead were surprised by this weeks episode and the death of one of the founding characters, Dale. This second half of season two has really kicked the show into high gear and left fans wondering whats gonna happen next.  Besides the death of Dale, this second half  has also featured the growing feud between Rick and Shane, a pregnancy, and Glens budding romance. These next few weeks are sure to bring even bigger surprises and plot twist....and maybe a few more deaths!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rest in Peace Ralph McQuarrie

"I am deeply saddened by the passing of such a visionary artist and such a humble man. Ralph McQuarrie was the first person I hired to help me envision Star Wars. His genial contribution, in the form of unequaled production paintings, propelled and inspired all of the cast and crew of the original Star Wars trilogy. When words could not convey my ideas, I could always point to one of Ralph's fabulous illustrations and say, 'Do it like this.'
"Beyond the movies, his artwork has inspired at least two generations of younger artists—all of whom learned through Ralph that movies are designed. Like me, they were thrilled by his keen eye and creative imagination, which always brought concepts to their most ideal plateau. In many ways, he was a generous father to a conceptual art revolution that was born of his artwork, and which seized the imaginations of thousands and propelled them into the film industry. In that way, we will all be benefiting from his oeuvre for generations to come. Beyond that, I will always remember him as a kind and patient, and wonderfully talented, friend and collaborator."
—George Lucas

Friday, March 2, 2012

Used Games-The way to go!!

With today's economy being as it is and gas prices projected to be $5 a gallon by summer, who can afford to pay $50 or $60 for new video game? I bought a XBOX 360 at the end of last year and purchased a bunch of used games and one new one (Skyrim). To me its just not worth buying the games brand new.  If you just wait 3 or 4 month that $55 game will be $18.  Just yesterday I spent $24 and got Assassins Creed 2, Soul Caliber 2 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. The total of those same games when they originally came out would have been over $150!! If you bought them today brand new you would have to pay around $70.  Crazy huh??
Game Stop and EB games are always running a buy 2 get 1 free promo and their selection of quality used games, like Gears of War, Battlefield, Assassins Creed etc, is second to none.

Now I have heard that when the XBOX 720 is released, sometime in the next couple years, the manufacturer is going to make it so used games can not be used on the new system.  In my opinion that will be the death of console gaming. Most people cant afford a huge library of brand new games at $55 a pop. Most gamers libraries consist of a large number of used games. Some of these games are also bought by trading in old games.  The elimination of used games will choke the gaming market and turn away buyers who cant afford the crazy prices for new games.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Assassins Creed 3 artwork

Assassins Creed cover and promo art has been released and its HOT! By the looks of it, the new offering from the franchise will be set in the Revolutionary War. More to come....Cant wait!!!!


Here is something new I've been working on-CODENAME:CORE.
These are a couple character designs...enjoy!!